.. or the other way around.
When the TC Electronic Polytune 2 tuner is powered, then we have harmonics every 2kHz that are about 24dB above the normal signal. These harmonics become very audible as soon as you add distorsion.
This problem only occurs when the Polytune is powered by the same power-supply as the other pedals and the Polytune is connected to one of the pedalboard pedal.
The problem does not occur if the Polytune is powered with a dedicated and separate power-supply.
I still need to test the Polytune alone with the pedalboard power-supply (the Palmer PMT12). But for that I need to disconnect all the other pedals from the PMT12 and I still haven't found the time for that.
Tuner power by the pedalboard power supply :
2kHz harmonics about 24dB above the signal.
Tuner powered with an external power brick :
No tuner :
With a fuzz pedal engaged :
Tuner with pedalboard power supply :
The 2kHz harmonics conserves its 24dB overhead above the signal.
The other harmonics, every 2kHz, are also better visible.
Tuner with external power supply :
Tuner with pedalboard power supply with compressor at max volume :
With fuzz and compressor at max volume we can see that the 2kHz harmonic stays at the same level.