Exciting news! A new library is now available for driving RGB panels with a HUB75 interface using the Raspberry Pi 5. Naturally, I couldn't resist testing it to see if I could control four 128x64 panels simultaneously.
The result? Success! The library is straightforward to use, and everything worked right out of the box—apart from a minor adjustment for the RGB pixel order.
Below, you'll find a few short videos showcasing my initial tests.
The library : https://github.com/bitslip6/rpi-gpu-hub75-matrix
Very first test :
After adjusting the pixel order from RGB to BGR :
The animation is a GLSL shader. The animation runs at 120 fps (frames per second) without any issue. The Pi5 is not stressed at all.
Another test :
The animation is a Voronoi GLSL shader. The animation runs at 100 fps (frames per second) without any issue.
With the heatsink and the fan, the Pi5 core stays at about 55°C (measured after one hour of continuous running).